U14 Division

NEW THIS YEAR! We are centralizing registration for birth years 2014 to 2007 in order to facilitate as many teams as possible. As such, all individuals interested in participating in soccer in Dorchester with the birth year 2014 and older MUST REGISTER through DORCHESTER SOCCER CLUB by NOVEMBER 30th, 2024. Once registration has closed and coaches have been identified, we will work together to find the most appropriate league for all of our teams including West London Soccer League via Thames Centre Minor Soccer. Final fees will reflect league decisions and be communicated to all in advance of the refund policy lapsing. Please see www.dorchestersoccerclub.com for more information and to register.

The U14 Boys and Girls play as a part of the West London Soccer League. Game nights are typically Wednesday nights for U14 Girls and Thursday nights for U14 Boys, but games are set by West London and will be confirmed prior to the start of the season. Teams may also practice once a week, on a night and field to be determined. 
Teams entered through TCMS are dependent on registrations numbers and coach commitment.   Our club often works with other neighboring clubs in order to form teams when possible.
If our club enters any teams, we will have Full-Field HOME games at TC-ORC.  Half of the games will be AWAY at other neighboring soccer clubs.
For further details about the league, please go to https://www.westlondonsoccer.com/


TCMS has a zero tolerance toward bullying and harassment from spectators towards coach’s or refs. Ref officials words always stand. Please be respectful to refs requests and calls. Read more about the Take 5 Project here.

West London Soccer League (WLSL) Manual (Official West London Soccer League Rules) is available here
TCMS endorces the WLSL Code of Conduct. Players, Coaches and Spectators are expected to familiarize themselves and abide by it. WLSL Code of Conduct is available here
Coaches are required to have a clear background check and possibly some additional coach courses.  Please apply under Coaches and Volunteers > Positions Available

For those interested in competitive soccer and possible team options for older age groups, please check out the Dorchester Soccer Club:


Thames Centre Minor Soccer will coordinate with Dorchester Soccer Club to help find playing opportunities for anyone interested.


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Feb. 23, 2025

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